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Karen Valdovinos
Composition I
August 6, 2008

Family Struggles During a Deployment

I. What I Know

I am a military child and my dad has been deployed twice to war and once to DC concerning the war. It was tough for my family being that we did live in a foreign country and didn’t speak the language. Also, I lived on an Army post and around the end of 8th grade a large group of Baumholder soldiers were deployed to Iraq. The changes in the students and community itself were very drastic. I’ve seen friends lose concentration in school. Some result to misbehaving by “solving” their problems with drugs and alcohol. My mother has had friends that resulted to alcohol and others that have become depressed. Statistics show that the rate of alcoholics, depression, and domestic violence does take a dramatic turn during the peak times of a war.

II. What I Want To Find Out

I would like to know how the effects of the war on our society affect the military. In the sense that, are there less people joining; how are they promoting people to join (if less people are willing to join)?

III. Interview with Nate

Karen: Hi Nate. So, I hear your father is in the Navy, did you say? How has the moving from place to place affected you?

Nate: Hey! Yes, my father is in the Navy. I enjoyed moving from place to place, but it has been really tough on me to leave my friends behind and having to meet new people.

Karen: Same here. I’m sure your father has been deployed before, being that he is in the Navy. Where did he go and how did you feel during the time he was gone?

Nate: Well, my dad hasn’t been deployed as much as you would think. Most the places my dad goes, the family follows. Although, I do remember that when I was younger and my dad went on his small business trips he would record himself reading my favorite children’s books. Before bedtime, I would sit down on my bed and grab a book and follow along. Of course, at this age I couldn’t read so I just grabbed any book and “pretend” as if I knew.

Karen: Aw, That’s really cute! It’s funny how things haven’t really changed. I mean your father tape recorded himself, while now-a-days we have more advanced technology such as webcams, but same concept. In the end, how do you think the moving, meeting new people and your father’s deployments shaped you into who you are today?

Nate: haha, very true! I think that being a military brat has benefited me in many ways. I am more open minded to new ideas, traditions and beliefs. I enjoy having a more worldly view and I feel it has impacted me to persue the career I am interested in now.

Karen: I completely understand because I feel that being a military brat has affected me in the same ways. Thank you so much for taking a moment to sit down with me and tell me about your experiences. Have a good night and I hope to see you around.

Nate: Yea, it’s no problem. It was good talking to you. Good night and see you in class.

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