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Teaching Through Technology

It is amazing how much time the younger generation spends using technology such as computers, televisions and cell phones. I believe it is more engaging. I don't think I've ever had a class that taught through technology besides Composition I. Through my own experience, I think I lasted longer without giving up because I was more involoved. I enjoyed being in class and doing work becuase it was all on the internet. Although, lately I have been a little distracted with the outside world, such as myspace, I do think this method could only work for an older, much more mature popultaion like college students. I enjoyed the article, "In the Basement of the Ivory Tower", I thought it was intresting how he tried to engage his students by using more technology based assignments. Although, I do feel as if Mrs. L deserved more of a break, since she wasn't of the same generation and didn't find the technology based assignments a cinch. I think teachers shouldn't just base grades on quality, but effort as well.
  1. If the internet were to be in schools, do you think the focus on negative impact (such as those read in other articles like "Media and Risky Behaviors") will be reduced?
  2. What will become of those,individuals or whole communities/countries, who are still unfamiliar with technology or don't have access to it?
  3. What big changes do you see for our future, if school's were to enforce more technology based teachings?

1 comment:

Jevon Evans said...

dear karen,
I think that you could have done a much better job on this blog posting. you were more elaborate in your past blog posting that I have read. I believe that you have more potential than what you showed in the duration of writing this blog posing. I believe that your ideas were there but they were not stated as clear as I would have Liked. I hope that my comments help you to do better in your future summarizations and blog posting. How ever I believe that you have the best points of every students blog that I have read so far. I hope you use my construtive critism for good and future references.

August 6, 2008 12:06 AM