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Issues On Campus

I dislike one of my roommates. We will call her Sally for her sake. Sally is strange and unsanitary. Sally can be rude, saying things that are unnecessary. She makes me feel uncomfortable because she creeps up behind me and follows my roommates and I where ever we go. I have been nice and haven't brought up any of these issues to her because she can be over emotional. What really ticks me off sometimes, is the fact that no matter how friendly I am she has the tendency of pointing out my flaws in front of others and treat with little to no respect.

The biggest problem I think I have to deal with is her unclean ways of being. Brian is in some ways responsible for this because he is the one that co-ordinates the room assignments. In the big picture, Sally's parents are responsible for my unfortunate six weeks of rooming with their daughter.

I believe that unsanitary issues should be a priority as to why you don't want to room with some one. The issues I am dealing with as of right now are unhealthy. I fear for my health. I am in danger of any illness, such as E. Coli. Also, there is an overflow of germs now that we are slowly developing a bug infestation. In order for a change, I may have to request that I am not roomed with this young child in the fall. Although, this may only bring problems to some other unfortunate soul. I think I may have to lecture my roommate Sally about hygiene and picking up after herself and on occasion others.

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