Welcome To My Thoughts.

Thank you for visiting my site. :]
I hope you enjoy reading about my views, thoughts and ideas.
Let me know what you think.


Much Love,



I just thought this video was interesting. I think it's very powerful not only because it's OBAMA's speech, but because the voices of many famous people are supporting and regurgitating his words. This will impact a large majority of our society because we all look up to and admire what these people do and believe in.


Ch 13 Writings-->Profile of Civi Agency

  1. Description: I could apply the "description" format into my writings about the profile agency by using extreme details about my experiences and feelings as I participated and learned about my civic agency. I would describe in detail things I hear, see, smell, feel and maybe even taste; so that i can engage my reader in my experiences and have them imagine themselves there with me.
  2. Definition: I may have to define my agency by describing its purpose and goals to my audience. Also, if there are any terms that are common only to that agency, I will have to define it for my readers. This will help them better understand the agency and my experiences.
  3. Classification: This format for writing includes completeness, exclusiveness, and consistency. To use this format for my agency I would have to specifically categorize each section, activity and any dealings the civic agency does to help the reader better understand with detail what exactly it is that my agency does.

Ch 13 Writings-->I-Search

  1. Narrative: If I were to write my I-search paper in narrative form I would start off in chronological order, like how I got around to choosing my issues and better understanding them. I would then continue to describe why I chose those issues giving my point of view and maybe building the tension by talking about my parents being immigrants or my father being in the military (those were two of the issues I chose for my I-search paper). I would then conclude my essay by resolving the tension by describing the support my parents offered even after they discovered my views on the military and so forth.
  2. Definition: In my I-search, I might have to define different political terms that my audience may not know. Giving my audience definitions will one: give them a better understanding of what I am trying to get across and two: it will help me be less repetitive.
  3. Compare&Contrast: I could develop my I-search paper so that it fits a "compare and contrast" format. I would do so by comparing my two issues, war on terrorism and immigration. These two topics don't seem to have much in common, but I could always discuss the public's reaction to both topics, the reaction that is given after hearing what the candidates have to say about these issues, etc. I could also incorporate how these two issues may affect our country and compare or contrast it through those means.


Around The World!

Hi Everyone!
My name is Karen Valdovinos.

If anyone is interested in helping me start out my club, PLEASE contact me!
E-mail: karenvaldovinos@yahoo.com
Blog: http://aroundtheworld-usfsp.blogspot.com
AIM: SkittlesLove06
Cell: 813-523-7831

The club I want to get started will be called Around The World and we will be discussing different countries and their culture, traditions and language. Also, I would like to cover different issues that country may be facing at the time.

My major is International Diplomacy and as far as I am concerned there are no clubs that follow through with what I am majoring in. I also thought it would be interesting to broaden the eyes of our community by holding different events that are based on the country we are focusing on at the moment. I haven't quite worked out a schedule yet, but I was thinking we would focus on a different country every month or so. I think it is important that we know and understand what is happening around us for the world's future lays in our hands. Also, with today's political issues and diverse communities it is essential that we are open to new ideas and respect others' views.

If you are interested in this club please contact me, so that we can set up a date and time to discuss what we would like to do and how we would run the club.

THANK YOU for your time and I look forward to meeting everyone!


Writing Activity: Learning Goals

The purpose of my writing to explore assignments are to better understand the topic at hand. To learn more about the issues, why they are important and how they concern me as an individual and those around me.

My I-search paper is for an audience that is concerned with the future of our country. Anybody into politics will definitely be interested in what I have to researched and learned about the presidential elections. More importantly, it will target those who are interested in the issues dealing with immigration and the war on terrorism. So, any body with relatives in a foreign and/or family members in the armed services, such as myself.

My audience for my Profile at a Local Agency is any one who is concerned with people in need, for I chose the salvation army as my local agency. This profile will interest people that are willing to give a hand to those who are less fortunate and any one who is willing to make a difference.

The rhetorical situation for my I-search and local agency profile paper are a formal, persuasive and very informative writing. I chose informative and persuasive because I want those that aren't interested in my topics note that my issues concern them as well, even if they are not related in any way to immigration or the war. I also want to be able to inform others of these issues, what is going on and what should be done about these things.

My Invention Strategies

The three invention strategies that I use are free writing, questioning, and answering who/what/where/when/why questions. Invention strategies are important because they help develop the ideas that a writer would like to use when writing any sort of document. I can incorporate my invention strategies to my I-search and writing to explore papers by looking at my topics and shuffling through my scattered thoughts to form some sort of outline for my paper. As for revision strategies, I like to use peer editing because I feel more comfortable discussing my thoughts and mistakes with other students. I find my revision strategy very important because my peers may be able to catch other mistakes I was unaware of.

Concept Map: Writing Process


2008 Republican National Convention

I thought it was interesting how many of the speakers focused on how much our country has developed. They referred a lot to the past, such as the civil rights movement and John F. Kennedy's term. I also enjoyed how they made it a point that we are not done developing. There is so much more we can do to provide for our country. I really liked how the speakers tried to relate to the audience by using their own experiences dealing with family and other issues. They talk about what appeals most to the crowd; less taxes, less government, and more protection. For example, Palin's speech was very family oriented and I think she best connects with the audience, seeing that she has five kids, which one is of special needs. I didn't hear them mention much about the issues I chose (immigration and war on terrorism), but I did hear lots about the economy. They talked about the problem with the mortgages and the high gas prices.


Writing Activity: Strengths and Weaknesses (pg16)

Rhetorical Knowledge:

I believe that I have a good sense at understanding who my public is and how I should present my information. My weakness in this area is knowing how much detail is necessary. For example, I have a tendency of not putting enough information, but I am afraid that more details will become a rambling of ideas.

Critical Thinking:

I think that my essays tend to have good transition sentences and I am able to make good points through out. My weakness when writing any kind of essay is my conclusion. I have a hard time wrapping everything together and making a big exit. I am unable to leave my audience in a pensive mode and awed by my words.

Knowledge of Conventions:

In this area, my strengths are good grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. I think where I lack in this category is word choice. I have a very poor vocabulary and I think it would really help if I increased it. It would make my essays look more professional and interesting.

Writing Process:

My writing process follows along what the book says until around step four. Instead of organizing my thoughts, I do what is called a free write, which is a good way to jot down all of your ideas. Although, I think it would really help and speed up the process if I were to use some sort of graphic organizer or outline to help me keep my ideas/thoughts in order.

BlackBoard Issues

How do you post your replies on the discussion board?


Response To My Peers! : ]

Hey Leo!!!
:) Well, I also chose this school because it was a small campus near home. I really didn't know you were a sailing instructor, but that's really cool!


Hi Melanie,
Wow! So, what part of Canada are you from originally? Also, what kind of dancing do you do (ballet, traditional, hip-hop, etc.)?


Hello Courtney.
:D I too enjoy the USFSP atmosphere. I also think we all over think or think to deeply of the situations we are in. But know this, if you ever need a shoulder to lean on the girls in room 404 are here for you! :]