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Ch 13 Writings-->I-Search

  1. Narrative: If I were to write my I-search paper in narrative form I would start off in chronological order, like how I got around to choosing my issues and better understanding them. I would then continue to describe why I chose those issues giving my point of view and maybe building the tension by talking about my parents being immigrants or my father being in the military (those were two of the issues I chose for my I-search paper). I would then conclude my essay by resolving the tension by describing the support my parents offered even after they discovered my views on the military and so forth.
  2. Definition: In my I-search, I might have to define different political terms that my audience may not know. Giving my audience definitions will one: give them a better understanding of what I am trying to get across and two: it will help me be less repetitive.
  3. Compare&Contrast: I could develop my I-search paper so that it fits a "compare and contrast" format. I would do so by comparing my two issues, war on terrorism and immigration. These two topics don't seem to have much in common, but I could always discuss the public's reaction to both topics, the reaction that is given after hearing what the candidates have to say about these issues, etc. I could also incorporate how these two issues may affect our country and compare or contrast it through those means.

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