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Ch 13 Writings-->Profile of Civi Agency

  1. Description: I could apply the "description" format into my writings about the profile agency by using extreme details about my experiences and feelings as I participated and learned about my civic agency. I would describe in detail things I hear, see, smell, feel and maybe even taste; so that i can engage my reader in my experiences and have them imagine themselves there with me.
  2. Definition: I may have to define my agency by describing its purpose and goals to my audience. Also, if there are any terms that are common only to that agency, I will have to define it for my readers. This will help them better understand the agency and my experiences.
  3. Classification: This format for writing includes completeness, exclusiveness, and consistency. To use this format for my agency I would have to specifically categorize each section, activity and any dealings the civic agency does to help the reader better understand with detail what exactly it is that my agency does.

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