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Writing Activity: Strengths and Weaknesses (pg16)

Rhetorical Knowledge:

I believe that I have a good sense at understanding who my public is and how I should present my information. My weakness in this area is knowing how much detail is necessary. For example, I have a tendency of not putting enough information, but I am afraid that more details will become a rambling of ideas.

Critical Thinking:

I think that my essays tend to have good transition sentences and I am able to make good points through out. My weakness when writing any kind of essay is my conclusion. I have a hard time wrapping everything together and making a big exit. I am unable to leave my audience in a pensive mode and awed by my words.

Knowledge of Conventions:

In this area, my strengths are good grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. I think where I lack in this category is word choice. I have a very poor vocabulary and I think it would really help if I increased it. It would make my essays look more professional and interesting.

Writing Process:

My writing process follows along what the book says until around step four. Instead of organizing my thoughts, I do what is called a free write, which is a good way to jot down all of your ideas. Although, I think it would really help and speed up the process if I were to use some sort of graphic organizer or outline to help me keep my ideas/thoughts in order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Karen, after taking a look at what you are both good and bad at with writing, I can honestly say you’re definitely not alone. Within rhetorical knowledge, it is always difficult determining how much is too much. I can get a great sense of what is necessary but when it comes to explaining why, I get stuck. As for the processes, I also have trouble tying all my information together into a concluding idea. I always worry about whether I'm just repeating myself or actually closing my paper in a sensible manner.