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Writing Activity: Learning Goals

The purpose of my writing to explore assignments are to better understand the topic at hand. To learn more about the issues, why they are important and how they concern me as an individual and those around me.

My I-search paper is for an audience that is concerned with the future of our country. Anybody into politics will definitely be interested in what I have to researched and learned about the presidential elections. More importantly, it will target those who are interested in the issues dealing with immigration and the war on terrorism. So, any body with relatives in a foreign and/or family members in the armed services, such as myself.

My audience for my Profile at a Local Agency is any one who is concerned with people in need, for I chose the salvation army as my local agency. This profile will interest people that are willing to give a hand to those who are less fortunate and any one who is willing to make a difference.

The rhetorical situation for my I-search and local agency profile paper are a formal, persuasive and very informative writing. I chose informative and persuasive because I want those that aren't interested in my topics note that my issues concern them as well, even if they are not related in any way to immigration or the war. I also want to be able to inform others of these issues, what is going on and what should be done about these things.

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