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Much Love,


Issues On Campus

I dislike one of my roommates. We will call her Sally for her sake. Sally is strange and unsanitary. Sally can be rude, saying things that are unnecessary. She makes me feel uncomfortable because she creeps up behind me and follows my roommates and I where ever we go. I have been nice and haven't brought up any of these issues to her because she can be over emotional. What really ticks me off sometimes, is the fact that no matter how friendly I am she has the tendency of pointing out my flaws in front of others and treat with little to no respect.

The biggest problem I think I have to deal with is her unclean ways of being. Brian is in some ways responsible for this because he is the one that co-ordinates the room assignments. In the big picture, Sally's parents are responsible for my unfortunate six weeks of rooming with their daughter.

I believe that unsanitary issues should be a priority as to why you don't want to room with some one. The issues I am dealing with as of right now are unhealthy. I fear for my health. I am in danger of any illness, such as E. Coli. Also, there is an overflow of germs now that we are slowly developing a bug infestation. In order for a change, I may have to request that I am not roomed with this young child in the fall. Although, this may only bring problems to some other unfortunate soul. I think I may have to lecture my roommate Sally about hygiene and picking up after herself and on occasion others.


Dear Soldier
Are you okay?
I missed you and your silly ways...
Wish you were here to see Johnny's first steps--
Hailey sand your favorite song today!
When will you be back?


Modern Society Influences

Media and electronics such as video games and television have such a huge impact in our society. It has mostly influenced young adults with the idea that drugs, sex and alcohol is the "cool thing" to do. I knew that such things as video games, MTV and movies has drastically changed our views on our looks and way of living, but I had no idea it was to this extent. I found it a bit intresting how the Library of Congress has taken into consideration that video games were historical artifacts. I'm glad they accepted it to be this way because from the previous article about media influences on teens; it seems to play a big role in our culture. It has been noted that, since the 80s our lifestyles have dramatically changed.
  1. Many video games has increased the obesity rates, but do you think more video games like Wii might change some of that, since they are trying to promote the new yoga game and its more interactive?
  2. At the rate that technology is advancing, what awaits us in the future such as the changes in our culture, soceity and daily routines?


YouTube Military Videos - EXTRA CREDIT

Deployment-Wives shouting out-Come Home Soon!!

What it means to wait....Military Families. They Served with Pride And Honor. Lets show our support by praying for our soldiers and hope for a safe return home unharmed. The credit for this video goes to that person,not me. Wanted to share and sending out the message. The descriptions says it all. thank you. Lets show our support. God bless.


Military Dad Surprises Young Son

This young boy gets surprised at school by his military dad coming to visit him at school.




Katrina Comic and the Satrapi Interview

I found the starting of The Katrina comic very clever. Starting from the big picture slowly moving into more details was a nice way to start things off, giving the reader a sense of where things are and how they came to be. As for the story itself, I enjoyed reading the comic because it was easy to understand. When Hurricane Katrina happened I was living in Germany and I had no idea how terrible things were when this tragic event passed through New Orleans and so forth. So, watching the movie in class and reading the short comic made me realize the gravity of the situation. Hearing, Reading and seeing the images has really opened my eyes to what happened in New Orleans a few years ago. I think this goes the same with Satrapi and her comic, Persepolis. I didn't not know much about the middle east or the bringing down of Shah. It is intresting to read and learn of such things. In the interview she talks about her comic and issues presented in it. It must be neat to see your work be turned into something more, such as a movie.


Chute's Perspective on Persepolis

I found Chute's thoughts about the comic "Persepolis" very true and easy to understand. I really liked how Chute takes the Feminine point of view because it only emphasize the comic about a young girl in Iran during the 1980s. As many people know women in the middle eastern countries don't have many rights, but this comic strip really helped demonstrate the situations women face. I enjoyed both the article and comic because it opened up my eyes to new things. I learned how fortunate I am because of the freedoms given to me by the U.S. government.

1. Why is it that it is more common for male comic writers?
2. Are such situations still occuring in Iran today?
3. Do you see a change in the future?

Movie Poster


Writing A Memoir

Writing a memoir can be difficult, many thoughts run across the writer’s mind about how to reduce their life experiences into a book or can the event of their life be sufficient enough to capture the reader’s eye? Frank Mathias wrote “Writing a Memoir: The Involvement of Art and Craft”, in which he discusses the struggles he faced in writing about his experience as an enlisted in World War II. I agree with Mathias that writing a memoir is indeed art and craft; it goes hand-in-hand. In his case, writing the pure facts of war is like reading a history book and it was important that he write about the things that aren’t covered in history books, something anyone can relate to. In the sample essays from FSU, I found that they very much portrayed Mathias thought that pure facts were nothing without the voices and incredible descriptions that make one feel as if they were in the room with the characters. For example, “Sing with me Somehow” by Allison Slusarczyck uses dialogue from the time period of her story and the events that happen in her life are very common in anybody’s life, such as the passing of a friend do to drinking and driving. Also, the memoir written by Nicole Filmore, “Knocked Up”, embraces the reader with her difficulties as a pregnant teen. In conclusion, all these memoirs to some extent go along with Mathias idea of telling your story with personality because “art enhances the truth”.


Memoir Summary

Through study it is proven that writing about past events and of one’s emotions helps give a better understanding of who you are. In Antoinette and Iriel Franklin’s case, they talk about the devastating results of Hurricane Katrina and how it affected who they are today. In such a traumatic experience one learns to cope and better understand life as it comes. Although, Antoinette felt as if she saw her whole life wash away, past and future, she has seen that there are better things to come. She looks for support in her niece Iriel and sees that things will work out for the best. Jerry Waxler studied human behavior when dealing with the past and emotions. In his studies he concluded that writing memoirs and talking about the past helps people deal with what has happened and how they can make such experiences turn out for the better of their future. Antoinette and Iriel Franklin’s story supports Waxler’s point of view because in the end Antoinette and Iriel both feel that they have grown to be better people and have learned to appreciate what they have, what is to come and life in general.