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Katrina Comic and the Satrapi Interview

I found the starting of The Katrina comic very clever. Starting from the big picture slowly moving into more details was a nice way to start things off, giving the reader a sense of where things are and how they came to be. As for the story itself, I enjoyed reading the comic because it was easy to understand. When Hurricane Katrina happened I was living in Germany and I had no idea how terrible things were when this tragic event passed through New Orleans and so forth. So, watching the movie in class and reading the short comic made me realize the gravity of the situation. Hearing, Reading and seeing the images has really opened my eyes to what happened in New Orleans a few years ago. I think this goes the same with Satrapi and her comic, Persepolis. I didn't not know much about the middle east or the bringing down of Shah. It is intresting to read and learn of such things. In the interview she talks about her comic and issues presented in it. It must be neat to see your work be turned into something more, such as a movie.


Alli Travis said...

I agree with you entirely on finding the opening to the Katrina comic clever. It offered so much suspense and anticipation. It too agree with you when you say the comics are easier to understand. I personally prefer them because I know every word and can more easily relate with the pictures. Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis definitely does an awesome job at portraying her struggle in the middle east through animation. I did not know anything about the shah or the scarf regulations until I had read that. After reading her comic I felt so much more intelligent and enlightened. Good work :D

Michael Di Pasqua said...

I found that we have similar views when it comes to this graphic novel. We both agreed that it gave off a comedic presence in the beginning and then kicked in gear with terror. I like that you brought up your being in Germany at the time of the disaster and that now you understand how bad the storm really was. Being in a different country would make any disaster seem a lot less serious then it really is. For instance, how many Americans were seriously affected by the tsunamis that killed thousands overseas?

Dimples. said...

Hey Mike,
Thanks for commenting my blog. I felt bad for laughing, knowing that these weren't the best of times, but I liked that the author wrote the comic this way. The humor helped making it not so serious and made it enjoyable enough, so that one would continue to read and see how the characters turned out.

I really like how you made the connection between the Tsunami in Sri Lanka and Hurricane Katrina. It is so true, that it is nearly impossible to understand what some one went throught without experiencing the samething. I had a teacher that unfortunately went to Sri Lanka on vacation when the Tsunami hit. If it weren't for her stories I wouldn't have quite understood the devastation of the people during the natural disaster.
