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Memoir Summary

Through study it is proven that writing about past events and of one’s emotions helps give a better understanding of who you are. In Antoinette and Iriel Franklin’s case, they talk about the devastating results of Hurricane Katrina and how it affected who they are today. In such a traumatic experience one learns to cope and better understand life as it comes. Although, Antoinette felt as if she saw her whole life wash away, past and future, she has seen that there are better things to come. She looks for support in her niece Iriel and sees that things will work out for the best. Jerry Waxler studied human behavior when dealing with the past and emotions. In his studies he concluded that writing memoirs and talking about the past helps people deal with what has happened and how they can make such experiences turn out for the better of their future. Antoinette and Iriel Franklin’s story supports Waxler’s point of view because in the end Antoinette and Iriel both feel that they have grown to be better people and have learned to appreciate what they have, what is to come and life in general.


alexcard said...

Hey Karen, this is Alex Card, and this is my comment assignment, ha-ha. Well I totally agree with you, the experiences and events that the Aunt and Niece had to go through during hurricane Katrina is without a doubt life changing. I imagine they both have grown so much as individuals, and grown closer together as family. They probably look at life differently and have learned so much from there experiences. I also agree that after listening to their conversation I feel Jerry's theory about memoir's being therapeutic is definitely legitimate. His ideas and research about memoir writings are fully supported by the conversation between the Aunt and the Niece. I found it interesting to read his proclamations about memoirs and then listen to a perfect example.

Kathleen "Kat" Robinson-Malone said...

Fantastic posting (both reading and reaction). I like that you both see the connection.