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Chute's Perspective on Persepolis

I found Chute's thoughts about the comic "Persepolis" very true and easy to understand. I really liked how Chute takes the Feminine point of view because it only emphasize the comic about a young girl in Iran during the 1980s. As many people know women in the middle eastern countries don't have many rights, but this comic strip really helped demonstrate the situations women face. I enjoyed both the article and comic because it opened up my eyes to new things. I learned how fortunate I am because of the freedoms given to me by the U.S. government.

1. Why is it that it is more common for male comic writers?
2. Are such situations still occuring in Iran today?
3. Do you see a change in the future?


Anonymous said...

Hey Karen,

I completely agree with your statements. To answer one of your questions concerning a change in the future, I believe it is very possible. Iran is a country that has indeed been through a lot but everyone as well as country is entitled to change. With the cooperation of their government and citizens to believe these ideas, they could be on their way to a new beginning. Also, I did enjoy the way she depicted issues within the government in her pictures. Readers who are much more visual learners can really grasp what point she was trying to get across. Although, with pictures already displayed for them, getting one’s own visual is a bit tricky.

Alex H. said...

Hi Karen I think you've made some good points and your questions show reflection on the article and the comic. I think it is more common to see male comic writers because of the age old stereotypes that still persist around the world today, especially in Iran. In Iran religion has a lot to do with the laws that govern the people and unfortunately put restrictions on them, more so on the women. Repressive situations similar to those portrayed in the comic are definitely occurring in Iran today and though I wish that I could honestly say a change is in the near future, I fear that it will take many more years and much more bloodshed to change the view of women over there.

Jami said...

I completely agree with your view on how Chute came from a Feminist point of view, because it really did help to emphasis the point of the comic. I also learned and realized how lucky I am to have the freedom I have and how I shouldn't take it for granted. To answer your first question, I think the majority of comic writers are male because that is what people are accustomed to and that is what they expect. This is another reason this comic stood out among the usual ones, because it wasn't normal, and didn't meet the stereotype.

Dimples. said...

Hi Courtney.
Thank you for commenting my blog. I like your optimistic views. I hope there is a change in Iran in the near future because everyone IS entitled to a change, especially if it's for the better. Also, I find it true that the points were easy for me to understand because I am a visual learner, but I do see where the pictures can be somewhat biased and I am not able to form my own thoughts per say.

Well, Thank you for answering my question.

'Til next time!