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Modern Society Influences

Media and electronics such as video games and television have such a huge impact in our society. It has mostly influenced young adults with the idea that drugs, sex and alcohol is the "cool thing" to do. I knew that such things as video games, MTV and movies has drastically changed our views on our looks and way of living, but I had no idea it was to this extent. I found it a bit intresting how the Library of Congress has taken into consideration that video games were historical artifacts. I'm glad they accepted it to be this way because from the previous article about media influences on teens; it seems to play a big role in our culture. It has been noted that, since the 80s our lifestyles have dramatically changed.
  1. Many video games has increased the obesity rates, but do you think more video games like Wii might change some of that, since they are trying to promote the new yoga game and its more interactive?
  2. At the rate that technology is advancing, what awaits us in the future such as the changes in our culture, soceity and daily routines?


Aisha said...

Wow why I didn’t think about that! I can tell you really read the articles but instead of just regurgitating the information back into your blog you were able to incorporate it with MTV and such media that creates a world that revolves around drugs, alcohol, and sex. Reading your blog gave me some more insight into what I was to comprehend while reading the articles. Based on my blog, I correlated both articles and I just found a connection to link them together. Reading them I was able to understand that gaming devices and unhealthy behaviors are found to share a link with eachother.I hope to hear from you soon and wouldn’t mind some critism on my writing because I really want to improve my skills. Thanks

Dimples. said...

Hey Aisha,
Thanks for commenting my blog. I'm glad that I was able to give you more insight on the subject. I may not have written much about it in my blog, but I do agree with your point of view. Too much time spent on gaming devices can develop unhealhy behaviors.

If you ever do need any help, I wouldn't mind giving you some advice. You know where to find me! :)

See you around!